Partly because I'm kinda cheap and don't want to spend the money. Also because I feel the newer machines take the 'joy' out of brewing. Everything is measured and timed and oh so perfect. I like the inherent imperfections that come with the old drip brew system, like when grinds wind up in the bottom of the pot because water in the filter overflowed because I didn't put it firmly on the heating element and the alignment was off so...
Just as I was making the decision to sell out and get a fancier pot, I got the link to my friend Katherine's blog at The Wheel of Creativity. It's about her new Nespresso coffee machine; how cool it is, and her reservations about it. I won't butcher a thoughtful and entertaining read by trying to retell it here, so the link to the story and video are below. I recommend reading it. She has a magical way of embracing the uniqueness of the ordinary. It makes me feel better about passing on the latest and the greatest, not allowing myself to feel pressured by expectations, and doing what is comfortable for me.
I probably do need another coffee maker. Just saying.
Watch the video to easy to be fun